What are closures in JavaScript?

Closures are a magical part of the browser's JavaScript engine that remembers the variable environment of the Execution Context in which its connected function was born. It can easily recall the variables of the surrounding environment within which it got created.

Grammarly Document & Notes



Github link for code Snippets

crackjs-medium/closures.js at main · justmrkhan/crackjs-medium


  1. Jonas’ Course made the foundation of my understanding of Closures.

    Learn Modern Javascript (Build and Test Apps) - Full Course

  2. Reference for the Multiplier Example.

    Eloquent JavaScript

  3. Interview Question — Tricky Closure references.

    7 Interview Questions on JavaScript Closures. Can You Answer Them?

    Closures Explained in 100 Seconds // Tricky JavaScript Interview Prep

  4. Are those hidden variables stored in the Heap Memory?

    Where are variables in a closure stored - stack or heap?

  5. Wikipedia Reference.

    Closure (computer programming)

  6. Helped in understanding the concept

    Learn Closures In 7 Minutes

    Javascript interview | Closure

    The Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Closure and Its Usages

    Closures in JavaScript | JavaScript Tutorial in Hindi #90

    Closures in JS 🔥 | Namaste JavaScript Episode 10